Build your own car ramps/lift from the detailed construction plans and work smarter not harder!
- How about working on your car in a better position, with less back and neck strain?
- This innovative car ramp design was predominantly designed for the home user to make restoration and maintenance tasks more of a pleasure than a chore.
- Greater access to the underbody chassis and mechanical components is achieved than using other traditional methods to raise vehicles within the confines of a home garage/workshop with a low roof height or you can just use them outside.

It’s nice to be near that job, but not with your nose touching!
Using the traditional method to lift a vehicle for the home mechanic, utilizing a trolley jack and axle stands has many drawbacks.
The most predominate issue arises from the lack of space, to comfortably and safely maneuver or contort your body underneath the vehicle, once it is lifted and placed on axle stands.
Working in a confined space, takes its toll on our bodies over a period of time, back and neck strain, grazed knuckles, and many bruises are common from just trying to perform the most simple of tasks on the underside of a vehicle.
Many modern day vehicles have under trays fitted to the engine bay region and some completely cover the entire under chassis, from front to back. They need to be removed first, to uncover the chassis sections or axles to provide a good location for the saddle of the trolley jack and the location of the axle stands to rest on.
Pictured below shows the traditional method used to raise up this very nice TVR Tuscan.
Car ramp plans UK

How about working on your vehicle in a much better position, rather than just flat out!
Yes! that sounds good, if I had the money and space, I would build a large workshop and kit it out with the equipment like the trades people use.
As I only have a very small percentage of both of the above, are there any viable options?
The answer to that question is a big YES! Now you can work smarter, not harder!
Car ramp/lift construction plans UK

The car ramp / lift plans cost £30.00 GBP or for the most popular currencies: 35.02 Euro / $37.37 USD / $51.32 CUD and $57.59 AUD, all subject to the daily variable exchange rates.
Click here for more information and how to order.
This car ramp/lift was designed for the car enthusiast, to restore, maintain and cherish their pride and joys in the comfort of their home garage or workshop.
Following the detailed construction plans, either yourself or a local fabrication shop can build the ramps/lift and benefit from
the versatility that they offer over conventional forms of raising a vehicle to a safe working height.
Pictured below are home-built ramps/ lift from France, the owner using them to replace their transmission on their Mk1 VW Golf.
Car lift construction plans uk

On final construction of the car ramp / lift, you will greatly benefit from the improved height of twenty-five inches or sixty-three centimetres of clearance, measured from the ground to the underside of the tread. The picture below shows the gained height from using the ramps compared to a standard height 520 mm and a high lift 800 mm trolley jack
Car ramp/lift construction plans uk

The car ramps are ideal for low ground clearance sports cars, as in then next two pictures below giving good access for cleaning and applying under-body and box section protection fluids!
I thoroughly recommend Bilt Hamber Labratories for those products.

To lift the car ramp to the level position, is accomplished by using a trolley jack with a lifting height of 520 mm.
Ramp construction plans uk
The car ramps are modular by design and consists of six main components making them a one person setup and use! The picture below shows a lower than standard Ferrari 355 utilising the first two units of the modular ramp system.
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